What is the success of B2B interactive conversation?

Est. Reading: 2 minutes
April 26, 2024
What is the success of B2B interactive conversation?

There is no doubt about it, questions persuade more powerfully than any other form of verbal behavior. This is not just in selling. Studies of negotiations, management interactions, performance interviews, and group discussions … have all come up with the same basic fact. There is a clear statistical association between the use of questions and the success of the interaction. More you ask questions the more successful the interaction is likely to be. Some types of questions are more powerful than others. It is why we use proven sales methodology and latest digital marketing to create an interactive conversation, questions/answers with an objective to generate highly qualified leads.

Context Questions

At the start of the call, successful people tend to ask data gathering questions about facts and background. Although context questions have an important fact findings role successful people don’t overuse them because too many can bore or irritate the buyer.

Situation questions will provide you with the level of potential.

Challenges Questions

Once sufficient information has been established about the buyer’s situation, successful people tend to move to the second type of questions, they explore problems, difficulties, dissatisfactions in areas where the seller’s product can help

Problem questions will provide you with the level of implied Needs.

Scoring the answers

It fundamental to score the Answers from the Situation questions and Problem questions

It will allow you to prioritize your next call out activities

The right amount of talking will do the trick

Of course, when discussing how to build a high persuasive conversation, one of the most important things is talking. As a minor, as it may sound, it has a pretty huge impact. It essential to keep in mind, that the right amount of talking is the main agenda. This is because too much talking will make the potential buyermuch less interested.

Salespeople tend to talk too much and it has been statistically studied that because of the like the sound of their own talking, they talk 75 percent of the time which is clearly too much. They tend to dominate the conversation and that in turn kills the entire reason behind all the questioning.

On the other hand, people who are not salespeople tend to talk only 43 percent of the time which is too less. So this is where the highly anticipated question comes: what is the right amount? Just keep in mind that you as a salesperson need to make the consumer feel like they are the star of the conversation. You need to ask questions which will make them generate answers which point out to their needs, wants and expectation. The entire conversation must be focused on them. That is the most interactive and engaging conversation you can have with them.

 LeadSeed is a B2B Conversation As A Platform (CaaP)  generating qualified lead using “give and get” principle and building trust, gaining relationship. It combines the latest digital marketing technic with proven sales methodology.





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