“Give to Get” principle or build trust with your (future) customers

Est. Reading: 2 minutes
April 26, 2024
“Give to Get” principle or build trust with your (future) customers

Building trust can be difficult when you're trying to sell someone a product or a service. We've been conditioned to have a bad reaction to a "salesperson" - they've been made out to be slimy and untrustworthy. Prospects or customers are willing to give trust if they get value from the vendors, those days with digital they are making their opinion thru various channel uncontrolled by vendors. What do they get?  We are really talking about content, personalized content matching their needs, resonating to their ears. As you soon as the customer is starting to give details of their situation, their satisfaction or di-satisfaction with implied need, it is time to get him back a report with high-quality personalized information. Don't go in for the hard pitch right away. If you help to educate them, enabling them to make their own decisions (which you have helped guide and report towards your solution), they will begin to trust you. And once you have trust, you're much more likely to be able to win the relationship.

Here are some tips:


Trust and objectivity create the confidence of long term relationship with your audience. A high level of expertise is required with your own content; customer reference, peer quotes, employee blog, and articles and external data from industry analyst personalized and aligned with the subject of matter.


Generous content created from a neutral angle; it will be useful and rich! Don’t come thru a sales approach it won’t work! don’t talk about your products and services, it won’t work too.


Different, interesting, coherent, exclusive. A great angle could be seen as exclusive even is the content are not.


Talk customer language, adapt to the segment, and create adhesion. You must always keep in mind to be flexible enough to shape your conversation in a way that your customer is comfortable with. This is because everyone has their own style and frame of mind.


When making a sale people often sound like they have been handed a script and are just going on and on about a particular thing. This puts the customer in kind of a guard where the customer gets the fear that they might get exploited as your entire focus is on making the sale. Instead of going about it this way, make sure that you have extensive information about your product or service.

This way you will be able to make your conversation much more persuasive. This is because you can then easily relate your product to the needs of the customer and show them how your product is the perfect fit for them. This makes it much more interactive for them and makes the entire process much more interesting for them.

LeadSeed is a B2B Conversation As A Platform (CaaP)  generating qualified lead using “give and get” principle and building trust, gaining relationship. It combines the latest digital marketing technic with proven sales methodology.





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