50 Tips to Create a Landing Page that Converts

Est. Reading: 2 minutes
April 15, 2024
50 Tips to Create a Landing Page that Converts

50 Tips to Create a Landing Page that Converts


Creating a landing page that converts is a crucial aspect of any successful online marketing campaign. Whether you aim to generate leads, promote a product, or increase event registrations, an optimized landing page can make all the difference. 


LeadSeed’s experts have aggregated all the keys you need to create THE landing page that converts. 

We will explore 50 valuable best practices and tips that will help you craft a landing page that will engage and increase conversion rates. 


To start creating a high-converting landing page, you need to set up clear goals, identify your target audience, and understand the traffic sources that will drive visitors to your page. By following the tips outlined in this content document, you will be ready to craft landing pages that captivate visitors and turn them into valuable leads and customers. 


Part 1: Above the Waterline 

Captivating First Impressions: The part above the waterline must capture the attention of web users and make it clear in 5 seconds whether they are on a page that will meet their needs or not. 

Grab attention with a compelling title and subtitle, provide practical advice, use persuasive call-to-action buttons, and enhance the page with captivating images and visuals.


Part 2: Below the Waterline 

Building Trust and Engagement: Focus on engaging content that highlights the value proposition, leverage social proof to build trust, and include a user-friendly form to capture leads.


Part 3: Page Layout 

Designing for Impact: Optimize the page layout for seamless navigation and readability, considering the two commonly used layout types: the "F course" and the "Z course."


Part 4: Before Publication 

Fine-tune your landing page after conversion, optimize it for SEO and social media sharing, and perform final checks to ensure a flawless user experience. 


With these 50 tips, your landing page will be a powerful conversion machine!


50 Tips to Create a Landing Page that Converts

Download the complete checklist in ENGLISH.


50 Tips pour créer une landing page qui convertit

Télécharger la liste complète en FRANCAIS.


At LeadSeed, we understand the power of a well-designed landing page in lead generation. 


Let LeadSeed be your partner in success. Get in touch with us today and watch your conversions soar! 

Come to our site to discover concrete examples from our customers and make an appointment for a personalized demonstration.


LeadSeed is a B2B Conversation As A Platform (CaaP) generating qualified lead using the “give and get” principle and building trust to develop relationships. It combines the latest digital marketing technic with proven sales methodology.




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