Digital Platforms and How They Affect Consulting

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April 26, 2024
Digital Platforms and How They Affect Consulting

Digital Platforms and How They Affect Consulting


Consulting has undergone a fair amount of evolution in the last two decades. Where people used to call up consulting firms to help them make decisions, now consultants on a digital platform can help decision-makers all the while providing them with maximum information.

Where companies had to entrust bloated companies with long and costly projects, and then be at the mercy of a consultant who was all about the number at the end of the contract rather than the job itself, they can now coordinate with a consultant on digital platforms and launch their projects with enhanced ROIs. Digital platforms have consultants from all kinds of backgrounds, experts at consulting as well as freelancers, both experts, and junior.

With the rise of entrepreneurship, consulting evolved leaving consulting firms behind and giving rise to digital platforms and digital consultants. Where customers were previously at the mercy of consulting firms, this evolution of consulting has made drastic changes in the way we do business as well as our expectations. Digital platforms deliver on the customer's expectations of speedy and systematic work. Digital platforms don't have to keep a record of how many clients they can take on; they can facilitate a number of them at the same time, all the while delivering perfect solutions to the customer's woes.


Why you need a digital consultant?

  1. Expertise

Going by a Give to Get policy, digital experts provide personalized and valuable information to decision-makers. They can tell you which social media platforms you need to be on, how to strategize, meet goals, and structure your case. A digital consultant is a brain behind your team.

  1. Save Time

Hiring consulting firms and then providing them the necessary informations to make the right decisions takes eons of time. On the other hand, based on your answers, consultants on digital platforms use conversation as a platform and provide you with valuable information regarding your project and the marketing channels you can adopt.

  1. Know what they are doing

Digital platforms that use conversation to interact with clients continuously improve upon their questions and enhance their credibility by using digitization.

  1. More work-less resources

Clients expect consultants to do more work in less time, without compromising on the quality. Digital platforms allow them to do just that.



One such tech platform is Leadseed, a front-running B2B Conversation as a Platform used by consultants that provide decision-makers with solutions to their problems. A major advantage of Leadseed is that through the conversational platform, they can provide fully personalized information to their clients and facilitate the follow-up.

LeadSeed is a B2B Conversation As A Platform (CaaP) generating qualified lead using the “give and get” principle and building trust to develop relationships. It combines the latest digital marketing technic with proven sales methodology.





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