SEO: How to Write Blog Posts That Rank Higher in Google Searches

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April 26, 2024
SEO: How to Write Blog Posts That Rank Higher in Google Searches

SEO: How to Write Blog Posts That Rank Higher in Google Searches


If you're running a business, it's important to make sure that you're doing everything possible to get your website seen by as many people as possible. One of the best ways to do this is through search engine optimization or SEO.

By optimizing your website for Google searches, you can ensure that your site will show up higher on the search results pages and be more likely to be viewed by potential customers.  

In this article, we'll discuss how to write blog posts that rank higher in Google searches. We'll cover the basics of SEO and explain how you can use it to improve the visibility of your website. 


What is SEO? 

SEO is the process of optimizing a website for Google search. When you optimize your site for Google, you're improving your chances of ranking higher on the search results pages.  

This, in turn, means that more people will see your site and be able to find your business. There are a number of different factors that go into SEO, including the use of keywords, the structure of your website, and the quality of your content. 


How does SEO Work? 

If you're new to SEO, it's important to understand how it works before you start trying to optimize your site.  

Google uses a complex algorithm to determine where websites should rank on the search results pages. This algorithm looks at a number of different factors, including the use of keywords, the structure of your site, and the quality of your content. 

When you create a new blog post, you're giving Google new information about your site. This gives Google more data to work with when it's determining where your site should rank on the search results pages.  

If you use relevant keywords and include helpful information in your blog post, you're more likely to rank higher on the search results pages. 


What are Keywords? 

Keywords are words or phrases that describe your business. When someone searches for a keyword that's relevant to your business, you have the opportunity to show up in the search results.  

For example, if you own a pet store, you may want to use keywords like "pet supplies" or "dog toys." By including these keywords in your blog post, you're more likely to show up in the search results when someone searches for those terms. 

When you're choosing keywords, it's important to choose ones that are relevant to your business and that have a high search volume.  

You can use tools like Google AdWords to see how often people are searching for particular keywords. It's also important to make sure that you're not using too many keywords in your blog post.  

If you stuff your blog post with keywords, it's more likely to be flagged as spam by Google. 

Science of the Most Relevant Keywords and Phrases 

To have a better ranking on Google, it is necessary to use the most relevant keywords for your target. But how to know what they are? Google Adwords Keyword Planner is a great way to start. It will give you ideas and related terms, as well as traffic estimates for those terms. 

You can also use Google Trends to see how popular keywords and phrases are over time. This can be helpful in deciding whether to target a particular keyword or phrase. 

In addition to using Google tools, you can also use other resources, such as Wordtracker and Ubersuggest, to find relevant keywords and phrases. 


How To Write Blog Posts That Rank Higher In Google Searches? 

If you want to write blog posts that rank higher in Google searches, there are a few things you can do, which are explained below in detail. 

Step 1: Find The Topic With Good Search Volume 

The first step is to find a topic that has good search volume. You can use the Google Keyword Planner Tool to find out how much traffic certain keywords are getting. There are also other keyword research tools like Moz Keyword Explorer and KWFinder. 

Spend a good amount of time in keyword research because this is the most important step in SEO. If you have found the right topic, then surely you will be able to rank it higher on Google. 


Step 2: Write A Compelling Title 

The title of your blog post is very important because it's one of the first things people will see when they find your article in the search results. 

Your title should be catchy and describe what your article is about. It's also important to include your target keyword in the title so that Google knows what your article is about. 

Do not add false claims in the title just to get more clicks. This will only result in a high bounce rate, and people will not stay on your website for long. 


Step 3: Do In-depth Research On The Topic 

Once you have found the right topic, it's time to do some research on it. You should try to include as much information as possible in your article so that people can find everything they're looking for in one place. 

This will also help you answer any questions people might have about the topic. 

Make sure to use credible sources, and don't forget to cite them properly. SEO is all about providing value to the user, and if your article is helpful, people will surely love to read it. If people like to read your article, then Google will surely rank it higher. 

Go the extra mile in doing the research and approach the organizations and companies, and conduct online poles to collect the information. 


Step 4: Choose A Unique Angle To Write From 

There are millions of blog posts out there on the internet, so it's important to choose a unique angle to write from. This will make your article stand out from the rest, and people will be more likely to read it. 

Your unique angle can be anything that you're passionate about or have a lot of knowledge in. It could also be something that's not been talked about much on the internet. 

No matter what your angle is, make sure that it's something that you're confident in writing about. 


Step 5: Develop The Structure Before Writing 

The next step is to develop the structure of your article before you start writing. This will help you stay on track and not get lost in your thoughts. Your article should have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should be catchy and describe what the article is about. 

The body paragraphs should contain all the information that you have gathered from your research. Each paragraph should focus on one main point. 

The conclusion should be a summary of everything that you have talked about in the article. It's also important to include a call-to-action in the conclusion so that people know what they should do after reading your article. 

If you have a business, then you can give a call to action about any of your products or services as well. 


Step 6: Write Relevant and Engaging Headings 

After you have developed the structure of your article, it's time to start writing. The first thing you need to do is write relevant and engaging headings for each section. Your headings should be catchy and describe what that particular section is about. 

Headings give an idea to the reader about what they can expect to find in that section. That's why it's important to make them engaging so that people will want to read further. 

Remember to use your target keyword in at least one of your headings. This will help Google understand what your article is about and rank it accordingly. 


Step 7: Write Short Paragraphs 

The next step is to start writing your article. Remember to write short paragraphs so that it's easy for people to read. No one likes to read big blocks of text, so make sure that each paragraph contains only one main point. 

You can also use bullet points and lists in your article to make it more readable. Adding tables and stats will also help make your article more engaging. 


Step 8: Add Links To The Stats, Medical Claims Etc 

After you have written your article, it's important to add links to the stats, medical claims, etc. This will help people find more information about the topic and also help Google understand what your article is about. 

Adding links to credible sources will also help build trust with your readers. If they see that you're linking to reliable sources, they will be more likely to trust what you have to say. 

Google also loves when you link to other websites, so it's a win-win situation. 


Step 9: Use Keywords Without Stuffing 

When you are writing the content, relevant keywords automatically keep coming through your fingers; however, to make sure that you don't stuff your content, there are a number of free keyword density checkers available online like "Small SEO Tools." 

You should use keywords throughout your article, but make sure that you don't overdo them. Google will penalize you if they think that you're keyword stuffing. 

A good rule of thumb is to use your target keyword at the beginning of your article, in the headings, and a couple of times throughout the body. 

Don't worry about using too many keywords; just make sure that they're used naturally. 


Step 11: Optimize Your Images 

It's also important to optimize your images for Google searches. This can be done by adding alt text to your images. 

Alt-text is the text that appears when you hover over an image. It's important to add alt text because it tells Google what the image is about. 

Adding alt text is easy and only takes a few seconds. Just make sure that the text is relevant to the image and contains your target keyword. 


Step 12: Publish Your Article 

After you have written and optimized your article, it's time to hit the publish button. But before you do, make sure that your article is free of grammar and spelling errors. 

You can use a tool like Grammarly to help you with this. 

Once your article is published, it's important to share it on social media. This will help get the word out about your article and also help it rank higher in Google searches. 



SEO is a great way to get your articles seen by more people. By following the steps above, you can ensure that your articles are optimized for Google searches and have a higher chance of being seen by your target audience. Be sure to always stay updated on Google's latest algorithm updates because Google is changing day by day and, along with it, SEO as well. Thus, this guide on "SEO: How to Write Blog Posts That Rank Higher in Google Searches" will help you get started. 


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