There are 3 ways to view your results.
To view your digital campaigns results in your back-end
- Connect to LeadSeed
- Go to the "RESULTS" menu
- For digital assets:
- Click the "MARKETING RESULTS" submenu.
- Click on the lead for which you want to know the answers and contact form information.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page to download the report that the respondent received after having completed the survey.
To view your results in an excel document
- Connect to LeadSeed
- Go to the "RESULTS" menu
- For digital assets:
- Click the "MARKETING RESULTS" submenu.
- In the upper right-hand corner click on this icon:
- Choose an assessment and click on "Submit".
To view you results in a consolidated report (a ppt document with overall data on collected results)
- Connect to LeadSeed
- Go to the "RESULTS" menu
- For digital assets:
- Click the "MARKETING RESULTS" submenu.
- In the upper right-hand corner click on this icon:
- Choose an assessment, a campaign (optional) and date range (optional) and click on submit.