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How to add a LeadSeed Digital Assessment onto your website?

The purpose of this page is to guide our partners through the integration process of the LS Digital Assessment on their websites in embedded mode and report download url secured.


  • Easy to setup (Need access to CMS)

  • No IT involved (Only CMS admin compare to an iFrame integration that require a partner DNS setup)

  • Responsive (compare to an iFrame integration)

Summary :

  • Partner : Provide the https url of site where to integrate LS digital assessment .

  • LeadSeed / Partner: Work together on the digital assessment and create the campaign.

  • LeadSeed: Provide the campaign token to partner.

  • Partner: integrate the LS digital on their site by using the integration code snippet and the token.

  • Partner/LeadSeed : test (end to end) self-assessment process


  1. Provide Website URL

    • Owner: Partner

    • Action: The partner provides the secure (HTTPS) URL of the website where the LS Digital Assessment will be embedded (website URL). This ensures a secure and seamless integration.

  2. Collaborative Campaign Creation

    • Owner: LeadSeed and Partner

    • Action: LeadSeed works closely with the partner to develop the digital assessment and create a customized campaign. This step includes defining assessment questions, visual assets.

  3. Token Provision

    • Owner: LeadSeed or Partner

    • Action: Upon completion of the campaign creation, LeadSeed application generates a unique campaign token. This token will be essential for integrating and launching the assessment on the partner's site.

      • The token is the last part in the asset campaign url, example:

        • The token is: f332516bf6ef6dc6d6b681b5d8c8935e73c92968d8ca92eeef1e3b01f76c8eb5
  1. Integration of LS Digital Assessment

    • Owner: Partner

    • Action: The partner uses the provided integration code snippet along (the code snipet will be provided by LeadSeed team) with the campaign token to embed the LeadSeed Digital Assessment onto their website. This step includes placing the code within the designated page(s) and ensuring that the token is accurately referenced.

  1. Testing the Self-Assessment integration

    • Owner: LeadSeed and Partner

    • Action: Both LeadSeed and the partner perform end-to-end testing to validate the assessment flow, report generation, and any associated backoffice mechanisms like dashboard, statistic etc. This ensures a smooth user experience and accurate data capture.

    • Troubleshootings: In case of issue (blank page displayed in the partner's site instead of assessment), check url for the LS digital assessment is running, if no issue with the digital assessment, check the partner's site doesn’t block external script.


IMPORTANT: Integration must be tested on both Mobile and Desktop versions

Below is an example of integration:


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