Business Case ADISTA

"76% des marketeurs B2B affirment que le retour sur investissement (ROI) de l’ABM dépasse le ROI de toute autre tactique marketing lorsqu’il est évalué sur le long terme." - BtoB Leaders


Business Case TOSHIBA

"Le marketing de contenu génère 3 fois plus de leads que le marketing traditionnel." - Marketo


Konica Minolta - Webinaire

"+34% de leads comparé à une campagne classique" : découvrez dans ce webinaire comment Konica Minolta France réinvente sa génération de leads avec LeadSeed !


Konica Minolta France

"Seven years ago, we initiated the digital transition with the implementation of an inbound & outbound marketing strategy based on an editorial strategy aligned with the buying cycle of more than 20 target buyer personas and the creation of a blog coupled with a marketing automation solution 'Marketo' for behavioural scoring and the lead management process with the CRM."

- Nathalie Frain, digital marketing project manager at Konica Minolta



“We are very pleased with what the platform has enabled us to do with our prospects & existing customers”


- Marketing director, Citrix


Microsoft Windows 10 migration

Thanks to LeadSeed, Microsoft has generated highly qualified leads on Windows 10 migration.

“LeadSeed Digital & Call-out solutions from LeadSeed, 100% customized for Microsoft and Windows 10, have allowed us to significantly grow the number of Windows 10 leads and their level of qualification. We were able to analyze market trends, and better understand and position our marketing & sales proposition”.

Matthieu GRANDJEAN, Product marketing manager at Microsoft.


Oracle – Case Study

"Oracle EMEA has put in place an innovative program to address internal community and EMEA partners on social network competencies – powered by LeadSeed’s Conversation-as-a-platform technology. For each participant, the platform provided a detailed profile and a personalized guide to support them in the development of their skills.

Compared to an ebook or a gated material, we have analyzed that LeadSeed’s approach is much more efficient: more engagement, more information collected, transformation rate improved.”

- Michel MARIET, Marketing Director Partner and Digital Transformation for the EMEA Partner Experience. VP CMIT - CMO association (more…)

OBS – Case Study

“Our teams appreciate this way of getting in touch with customers and customers appreciate it as much”

- Marketing director, Orange Business Services (more…)

SYNTEC – Case Study

"We needed a simple, fast and efficient solution to get feedback from our members to understand their situation and provide them with diagnostics on the activity of the sector.

We needed to create an individual service at the same time as a collective service, so we needed a tool that was as accessible as possible and what was also interesting, in any case, which I liked was the idea of conversation and exchange."

- Marketing manager, SYNTEC Numérique
