Personalized report for the buyers


Personalized Advice report

Global assessment based on customer situation Detailed assessment for each challenge, including: strengths, areas for improvement, recommendations/action plan based on gap between current and future situation Additional external data (analyst, reference, verbatim …) related to action plan

Need : Customers or prospect is at solution selection stage
Goal (sales scenario) : Help user to move to next steps on solution selection by putting emphasis on advises.
LeadSeed solution : LeadSeed help user to get a clear overview on his situation, assess himself (strenghts & improvement axis) on the topic and get best practices/advises (recommendations) to move to next step(s)
Type of questions (Main) : Situation / Challenges / Interest-Priority


Personalized Adoption report: New solution benefits vs current solution

Propose various scenarios of migration/adoption

Need : Accelerating adoption/migration/upgrade of new solution.
Goal: Help organisation to identify benefits and risks
LeadSeed solution : Help organization to identify aded value of new solution vs situation and challenges
Type of questions (Main) : Situation, challenges, interest

Eligibility personalized report on specific technology

Global maturity assessement based on customer situation additional external data ( analyst, reference, verbatim …)

Need : Customers or prospect need to evaluate its eligibility on specific topic/solution
Goal (sales scenario) : Help user to know if its organization fit to assessed solution/technology.
LeadSeed solution : LeadSeed help user to get a clear overview on his situation, assess himself on the topic and get an eligibility (Go/NoGo) against the topic.
Type of questions (Main) : Situation


Personalized Benchmarking report :evaluation of solutions

Best fit solution assessement based on customer situation Additional external data (analyst, reference, verbatim, selected solution description …)
Need : Customers or prospect need to select solution that fit to its organization.
Between different type of vendor solution or within portfolio.
Goal (sales scenario) : Help user to know whats the best solution for his organization.
LeadSeed solution : LeadSeed help user to get a neutral guidance based on organization's situation and needs.
Type of questions (Main) : Situation


Personnalized Compliance report

Compliance assessement based on customer situation vs regulation or standards (recognized and documented practices, e.g. ITIL) Highlight customer gaps and propose action plan Additional external data (analyst, reference, verbatim, regulation texts…)
Need: Customers or prospect need to where it is regarding standards, regulation or goal (sales scenario): Help user to position itself vs norm/regulations/standards/best-in-class
LeadSeed solution : LeadSeed help user to get a neutral guidance based on organization's situation and needs.
Type of questions (Main): Situation


Personalized Awareness/Positioning report

Position assessement based on customer situation on specific topic Additional external data (analyst, reference, verbatim, solutions…)
Need : Customers or prospect need to evaluate its maturity on specific topic/solution.
Goal (sales scenario) : Help user to know its organization positioning/profile on the topic/solution and the market/peers.
LeadSeed solution : LeadSeed help user to get a clear overview on his situation, assess himself on the topic and get a maturity/positioning against the topic and also its peers/market.
Type of questions (Main) : Situation


Personalized Maturity report

Consolidated Company report (for management) Individual reports (for collaborators) Company assessement based on collaborators inputs on specific topic /global advice/best practices could be provided to collaborators as an input Additional external data (Analyst, reference, verbatim, solutions…)
Need : Customers or prospect need to evaluate its collaborators on specific topic/solution.
Goal (sales scenario) : Help companies to benchmark management feeling vs. reality.
LeadSeed solution : LeadSeed help management to get a clear overview on his situation, assess Collaborators on the topic and get a positioning against the topic.
Type of questions (Main) : Situation / challenges


Personalized Event report “information on event” / generic report

The need: events remain essential marketing actions but can be difficult to organize (attract new visitors, avoid no-show, lack of clear ROI, etc.).
LeadSeed's value proposition: thanks to LeadSeed, marketing department reinforce event attraction and provide more value.
The visitor can create his personalized event journey on the basis of his answers.
The visitor can also prepare his appointments on site by answering some questions, he will benefit on the spot of an appointment adapted to his needs.>/br> LeadSeed makes it possible to score the participants and estimate a real ROMI of the event.


Personalized Profiling report personalized “Current situation” report

The need: technological, organizational, etc. involve the transformation of sales processes.
Sales rep. can no longer confine themselves to a role of order taking but must accompany customers, identify needs and advise them.
The LeadSeed Value Proposition: With LeadSeed, channel organisation can practice asking the right questions and gaining reflexes.
Moreover, thanks to the generation of a report, an infographic, etc.
The channel organisation can discuss with clients on a concrete basis


Get “marketing – products solution” as ebook report

The need: Some sales teams / companies may have very large product portfolios. In this case, the sales rep. must absolutely avoid showing his client that he knows how to do everything.
On the contrary, it must ask the relevant questions that will help to direct the customer to the solution adapted to his needs.
LS's value proposition: Through LeadSeed, the sales rep. asks the right questions and focuses the discussion on the customer's needs.
At the end of the questionnaire, LeadSeed automatically offers the sales representative personalized customer presentation support.It is focused on the relevant solution (s), the expected benefits, the adapted customer testimonials, etc.

Consolidated survey report (Business Intelligence)

Need: Take a ++ survey (market study, poll, etc.) on specific subject.
Goal (sales scenario) : Help organization to gather information and data on specific topic.
LeadSeed solution : LeadSeed is positioned as easy to design and rich questionnaire builder.
Type of questions (Main) : NA